Let’s Discuss Your AI Project

Our Valuable Clients

AI Consulting We Offer

Data Strategy Development

Data Strategy Development

If you’re looking to develop a strong data strategy, our team is here to help you. We assess your data assets, determine the data quality, identify the gaps in data management, and develop AI strategies based on the data. We recommend appropriate technologies for data storage and create a roadmap for implementation.

Predictive Analytics Solution

Predictive Analytics Solution

Want to predict future trends of your business growth but not sure how to do it? Use statistical modeling and machine learning algorithms to analyze historical data, identify patterns and trends, and make informed decisions about future events. Contact us to know how we can help you to develop a predictive model.

Machine Learning Model Development

Machine Learning Model Development

Do you need a machine-learning solution for your business? Our data science experts guide you through the entire model development process, from data preparation to model deployment and ongoing optimization. Get our machine learning models development AI services and implement intelligent automation processes from your data.

NLP Solution Development

NLP Solution Development

Looking to extract insights from data or automate customer service using natural language processing? Our team guides you in selecting the appropriate NLP algorithms and tailoring the solution to your business needs. If you need a conversational AI solution like a question-answering tool, chatbot, or site search system we can help you.

Computer Vision Solution Development

Computer Vision Solution Development

Looking to automate manual processes and analyze visual data? Our team specializes in developing computer vision solutions that can detect anomalies in production lines, analyze medical images, and identify objects. With our expertise, we help you extrapolate real-time data from images and videos.

AI Software Development

AI Software Development

Looking for help with data quality and preparation for AI applications? As a reliable AI consulting agency, we offer AI consulting services to clean, process, and prepare your data for seamless AI integration. Our team specializes in integrating AI applications into existing systems and workflows to ensure smooth and effective implementation

Partner with a Top AI Consultant for Business Success

Find out how we can help you leverage AI technology to drive growth and efficiency. Contact us for a personalized consultation.

Clients Love Space-O Technologies

Space-O provided top-tier developers for our AI-powered mobile app. Their expertise with natural language processing and integrating advanced OpenAI models like GPT-3 and Codex was invaluable. Since launch, user engagement has increased 60% and retention is up 31%, thanks to the incredibly intelligent app they built by leveraging OpenAI APIs for speech recognition, language translation, and text generation.

Roberto Bradshaw


Head of Product, AI Startup

Roberto Bradshaw

Collaborate With the Leading AI Consulting Services Provider

Want to integrate AI into your existing eCommerce, ERP or CRM systems? Need an experienced AI consultant who has experience in AI implementation and developing AI solutions? Looking for the right advice on how to execute your AI-based idea? Get in touch with us.

We are a reliable and experienced AI consulting company in the USA. From small businesses to large enterprises, we help clients to plan and execute the implementation of AI technologies. Along with choosing the right technology stack, we help you build a team of skilled AI professionals that lets you save time on hiring, training, and development.

With our expertise in AI technologies, you can streamline your operations, enhance customer experience, or gain deeper insights into your data; that are tailored to meet your specific business needs.

Talk to Our AI Experts

AI-based Projects We Developed

eComChat: eCommerce Search Solution

eComChat: AI-powered eCommerce Search Solution

Our AI developers have developed eComChat – a ChatGPT- like eCommerce search bot that provides relevant search results based on the user’s intent. This solution increased the speed of site search by 23% and eliminated zero search result queries.

document scanner app

ReadGenie: AI-based Image to Text App

It is an AI-based reading assistant app that scans the image and converts it to text using OCR technology. This app uses GPT 3.5 model to summarize the key points and generates new content. In just a week of launch, it received over 525+ downloads.

GPT Vix: AI Recruitment Software

GPT Vix: AI Recruitment Software

GPT Vix is an AI recruitment software built for a recruiting agency based in the USA. To develop this app, Space-O used advanced technologies like OpenAI for natural language processing, OpenAI Whisper for video-to-text conversion, and Synthesia for text-to-video generation.


Photo Translator: AI-Based Picture Translator App

Our AI app developers have developed an AI-based photo translator app similar to Google Lens. This AI-based image translator app translates text, text from images, printed files, objects, or directly captured images from the camera into any language.


Nuzhah’s VR Tour of Hotels for Best-staying Experience

Nuzhah is an Airbnb-like app for hotel booking, developed by our iOS developers. It comes in two variants, including Nuzhah for guests and Nuzhah for hosts. Guests can check and book different resorts, whereas the hosts can submit property.

NFC Jewelry app

Smart NFC Jewelry App to Celebrate Special Moments

Memento Locket App is the most advanced smart NFC jewelry app to celebrate life’s precious moments. This fine jewelry allows for the storage of up to 3 GB of precious memories. Treasure more than 3000 pictures and memories using this amazing app.

Advance AI Technology Stack We Use

Data Infrastructure

We use various technologies for data infrastructure:

  • MongoDB – For scalable, flexible document data storage.
  • Kafka – For building real-time data pipelines.
  • Spark – For large-scale batch data processing.
  • AWS S3 – For cloud object storage.
  • Redis – For caching and real-time analytics.
  • MySQL – For relational database.
  • PostgreSQL – For open-source RDBMS.
  • Hadoop – For distributed storage and processing of large data sets.
  • Spark – For large-scale batch data processing.

Data Analysis & Engineering

We use various technologies for data analysis and engineering:

  • Python – For data preparation, cleaning, feature engineering.
  • SQL – For data analysis and querying structured databases.
  • Pandas, NumPy – For data manipulation and analysis.
  • Jupyter Notebooks – Development environment.
  • Apache Flink – Stream processing for real-time analytics.
  • R – For statistical computing and graphics.
  • Java – For versatile and platform-independent development.

Model Building & Training

We use various technologies for model building and training:

  • PyTorch, TensorFlow – Leading deep learning & ML frameworks.
  • Keras – High-level neural networks API.
  • CUDA – To accelerate model training with GPUs.
  • MLflow – For model tracking and model registry.
  • XGBoost – Gradient boosting library for efficient model training.

Model Deployment

We use various technologies for model deployment:

  • Docker – For containerization of models and dependencies.
  • Kubernetes – For container orchestration and autoscaling.
  • AWS SageMaker – Managed service for deployment.
  • REST APIs – Exposing models via web services.
  • TensorRT – For high-performance deep learning inference.

Application Development

We use various technologies for application development:

  • React – For building interactive user interfaces.
  • Node.js – Scalable server-side JavaScript.
  • GraphQL – Flexible API layer over models.
  • AWS Amplify – Rapid fullstack cloud app development.
  • Flutter – For building cross-platform mobile applications.

DevOps & Monitoring

We use various technologies for DevOps and monitoring:

  • Jenkins – For Continuous integration and delivery.
  • Prometheus – For Time-series monitoring.
  • Grafana – Visualization and analytics.
  • ELK Stack – Centralized logging.
  • New Relic – Application performance monitoring and management.

Why Choose Space-O Technologies?

Project Success Ratio


Project Success

AI-Based Projects Built


Projects Built

AI Developers



Jobs Completed on Upwork


Jobs Completed on Upwork

Years of Experience


Years of

Clients Worldwide



Looking for the Top AI Consulting Service Providers?

Contact us today. Our experienced team of AI consultants can help to maximize your business’s potential with AI-based solutions. Join the list of 1200 satisfied clients.

Process We Follow for Artificial Intelligence Consulting


Discovery and Assessment

We start by understanding your business needs, business outcomes, and objectives. We conduct a thorough analysis of your data assets, technology infrastructure, and organizational culture to determine the feasibility and potential impact of AI adoption.


Strategy and Roadmap Development

Based on the insights gained during the discovery and assessment phase, we develop an AI strategy and roadmap. This roadmap outlines the steps needed to achieve your AI goals, including the specific AI technologies and techniques that will be used.


Data Engineering and Preprocessing

To develop effective AI systems and new business models, it’s essential to have high-quality data that is properly preprocessed. We understand your requirements and work closely with you to identify and prepare data needed for model development.


Model Development and Training

Using preprocessed data, we develop and train AI models using deep learning, and ML algorithms. In this phase, our QA team tests and refines the models to ensure they are accurate and effective.


Model Deployment and Integration

Once the AI models have been developed and trained, they need to be deployed into production environments and integrated with your existing software systems to We ensure.


Monitoring and Maintenance

AI models need to be monitored and maintained to ensure they remain accurate and up-to-date. We develop a plan for, including regular updates and retraining of the models as needed.

Industries We Serve

Whether you’re in healthcare, retail, or any field in between, we deliver AI solutions that cater to the specific challenges and demands of your business.













Appreciation from Clients

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we understand the importance of confidentiality when it comes to an AI system, and we are willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) before commencing any project. Our team takes the protection of sensitive information seriously and will ensure that any confidential information shared with us is kept secure and only used for the purposes of the project. Additionally, our team members are required to sign internal confidentiality agreements to ensure the protection of your data and information.

Determining whether your business needs an AI-based solution can be a complex process that involves assessing your business objectives, identifying your pain points, and evaluating the potential benefits of AI technology.

Here are the 5 signs that your business may benefit from an AI-based solution:

  • Your business has large amounts of data that need to be analyzed to gain insights and make informed decisions.
  • Your current data analysis tools are inefficient or unable to handle the volume of data you have.
  • You want to automate repetitive or time-consuming tasks to improve efficiency and productivity.
  • You need to make predictions or forecasts based on data analysis.
  • You want to optimize your business processes or improve decision-making accuracy.

These are just a few of the signs that your business may benefit from an AI-based solution. It’s important to work with an experienced AI consultant to identify your specific needs and determine the best solutions to meet them.

The time it takes to complete a machine learning project can vary depending on various factors such as the complexity of the problem, the availability and quality of data, the resources available, and the expertise of the team. A small machine-learning project that involves simple data sets and models may take a few weeks to complete. However, a more complex project that requires significant data processing, advanced feature engineering, and large-scale model training may take several months to a year or more to complete.

It depends on your specific needs and resources. Having an in-house team gives you more control but can be costly and time-consuming. Outsourcing can be cost-effective but requires proper vetting to avoid data privacy and security risks. You can also have a combination of both in-house and outsourced resources.

As an AI consulting service provider, we offer comprehensive training and support to ensure that you effectively use and maintain your AI-based solutions. Our training and support services include:

  • Training to ensure your team understands how to use the AI-based solution effectively and efficiently.
  • Ongoing support to help you troubleshoot any issues that may arise.
  • Regular maintenance services to ensure that your AI-based solution is up-to-date and functioning properly.

Our goal is to ensure that you have the necessary tools and knowledge to fully leverage your AI-based solutions and achieve your business objectives.

The type of data that needs to be collected during AI solution development depends on the specific business needs and the type of AI services being developed. Here is an example of data we may require.

  • Historical data
  • Real-time data
  • Unstructured data such as text, images, or video
  • External data such as weather data or economic data

We ensure that the data collected is of high quality, accurate, complete, and free from errors or biases.

Get in touch with us through the ‘Contact Us form. Our sales executive will call you to understand your requirements. Once understood, we will send the shortlisted resumes to you for your final approval. If you are not satisfied with the AI developers, we will send you more options. Once you finalize AI developers, we will take a meeting to help you connect with the consultant and discuss your business plan.