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Our Enterprise Web App Development Services

PWA Consulting

Enterprise Web App Consulting

Unsure about the best strategy for your enterprise? Our top enterprise web app consultant guides you in choosing the right tech stack, ensuring that the technologies used in your web application are scalable, and suited to your business needs.

Custom Enterprise Web App Development

Custom Enterprise Web App Development

Looking for a custom enterprise web app solution for your business? We can help. Whether you need a complex data management system or a customer-facing web portal, we have dedicated developers to create custom web app solutions.

Legacy Enterprise Web App Modernization

Legacy Enterprise Web App Modernization

If your existing web app is outdated and is struggling to keep up with the pace of your business, contact us. We revamp and upgrade your old custom web applications with the latest technologies assuring you with a smooth transition and minimal downtime.

Enterprise Mobility Solutions

Enterprise Mobility Solutions

Need to empower your team on the go? Our enterprise mobility solutions provide secure and efficient mobile applications, enabling your workforce to access critical business data anytime, anywhere. You get streamlined operations and increased productivity, no matter where your team is located.

Enterprise Web App Integration

Enterprise Web App Integration

If your business is dealing with disconnected systems that don’t communicate well with each other, get in touch with us. We ensure your web application integrates with other business systems, facilitating smooth data flow and improving overall operational efficiency.

Hire Enterprise Web App Developers

Hire Enterprise Web App Developers

Looking for skilled developers to bring your web app idea to life? Hire our experienced enterprise web app developers, who are adept at building scalable and secure applications that deliver exceptional user experiences with the latest technologies and trends. Contact us today.

Our Top Web Application Developers

Hire Enterprise Web App Developers for Your Business

Contact us. We help you choose developers from our flexible engagement model. Let’s work together to create a solution that sets your business apart.

Clients Love Space-O Technologies

Space-O Technologies provided our logistics company with skilled web developers to overhaul our outdated dispatch portal. Their expertise integrating complex APIs and optimizing for high traffic volumes was invaluable. Load times have improved by 8x and customer satisfaction is up 95% since launch, thanks to the robust enterprise web app built by Space-O team.

Kevin Wilson


Head of Technology, Logistics Company

Kevin Wilson

Enterprise Web Application Development Services Provider

If customer data is not consistent across departments, you are likely to face
operational inefficiencies and poor decision-making. So, if you want to make data-driven decisions, you need a company that can develop custom software solutions and web app solutions, after understanding your existing applications.

Being a leading enterprise web development company, we have delivered 30+ enterprise web app solutions to clients like Nike and Saint-Gobain. Programmers at Space-O Technologies have experience using client-side technologies like Angular, React.js, Vue.js, and server-side technologies like Node.js, Ruby on Rails, and Laravel.

Whether you need a complex enterprise solution or a simple web application, we have the skills and resources to bring your vision to life. We use Agile development methodology to prioritize transparency, flexibility, and continuous improvement during development. Contact us today to learn more about our enterprise web application development services.

Let’s Discuss Your Web App Idea

Our Recent Work

Space-O Technologies developed Fyule Video Lab, a video learning platform, for students to engage with educational content. This EdTech startup secured funding of $1.4 million through an Angel syndicate, backed by High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs) that includes senior leaders from Google, Deloitte, Tata 1mg, and Axis Capital. We used Flutter, PHP, Laravel, and MySQL to develop a video learning platform for iOS, Android, and the web.

eLearning Platform Fyule

Our web app developers used the MERN stack to develop the One8- a transportation management system. This system facilitated shipment coordination, and live driver updates, and also streamlined logistical operations through enhanced administrative controls.

One8 App

Our expert web developers built Sahanbooks, an Amazon-like ecommerce platform for online book sales in Hargeisa, Somaliland using React, Node.js, and MongoDB. We utilized these modern technologies to create a user-friendly web app with features like product search, shopping cart, payment gateway integration, inventory and order management, and advanced reporting.


At Space-O Technologies, we have developed GPT Vix—an AI-driven recruitment software like Zoho Recruit. Leveraging the capabilities of AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, Synthesia, and Whisper, to automate the interview process, precision assessments, and talent navigation for US-based agencies.

Automated Recruitment Process Using AI

The Momento app, developed by Space-O Technologies, is an NFC-enabled jewelry solution that allows users to store up to 3 GB of digital memories, including over 3,000 pictures and hours of video. We used technology stack like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, React Native, Node.js, React.js, and MongoDB 5.0, blending traditional and modern technologies for a smooth, cross-platform experience.

NFC Jewelry App

Urder connects customers with local stores and delivery partners, streamlining the shopping experience. The developers utilized Angular, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, and AWS to develop the efficient and scalable Urder platform. The platform focuses on efficiency and cost-effectiveness, addressing common industry challenges such as high operational costs and retailer commissions.

Urder Our Recent Work

Methodologies We Use for Developing Enterprise Solutions

Agile Approach

Agile Approach

We use the Agile methodology to keep you involved at every stage of the enterprise web app development process. This approach allows us to adapt quickly to changes, ensuring that the final product aligns perfectly with your evolving business needs.

Scrum Framework

Scrum Framework

By adopting the Scrum framework, we break down the development process into manageable sprints. This allows for regular communication, iterative development, and steady progress, ensuring your enterprise web app is built to your exact specifications.



In our enterprise web app development process, we use DevOps practices to streamline the workflow between our development and operations teams. This results in automating processes for continuous integration, testing, and deployment.

Develop Enterprise Apps that Drive Business Growth

Reach out to us. Let us assist you in bringing your idea to life by developing custom enterprise web portals. Validate your web app idea with us

Technology Stack for Enterprise Web App Development

  • JavaScript JavaScript
  • Angular Angular
  • React React
  • Vue.js Vue.js
  • bootstrap Bootstrap
  • python Python
  • Java Java
  • Microsoft_.NET .NET
  • Node.js Node.js
  • Django Django
  • Postgresql_elephant PostgreSQL
  • MongoDB MongoDB
  • Oracle Oracle
DevOps Tools
  • Docker Docker
  • Jenkins Jenkins
  • Kubernetes Kubernetes
Cloud Platforms
  • Google Cloud Google Cloud
  • Nginx Microsoft Azure
API Technologies
  • RESTful REST
  • GraphQL GraphQL

Industries We Serve

From healthcare, ecommerce, finance, or any sector you operate in, we build enterprise web app solutions that are tailored to address the unique needs and complexities of your industry.

Enterprise Web Application Development Process


Requirement Analysis

We start by getting to know your business, your business goals, and your audience. We look at what’s possible, what your competitors are doing, and how we can make your enterprise web app stand out.


Enterprise Web App Design

Next, we create a user-friendly custom design that’s not just nice to look at, but also easy to use. We use the latest tools like Adobe XD and carefully chosen colors and hues to make your app engaging and intuitive.


Enterprise Web App Development

With a clear design in hand, our development team gets to work on building your app. We use technologies like Angular and Node to ensure your app works well on any platform and even offline.


Quality Assurance

We don’t launch until we’re sure everything works perfectly. We test every element of your web app using manual and automated testing, from how it functions to how it performs. We make sure it’s ready for your users.


Launch and Maintenance

Once your app is tested, we launch it on the appropriate platforms. But our work doesn’t stop there. We continue to support and maintain your app, making sure it’s always up to date-and performing at its best.


Support After Launch

Even after your app is live, we offer ongoing maintenance, updates, and optimization based on user feedback and market trends to ensure your enterprise web app continues to meet your business needs.

Why Choose Space-O Technologies?

Project Success Ratio


Project Success

Enterprise App Developers


Enterprise App Developers

Enterprise Apps Developed


Enterprise Web Apps Developed

Small and Large Innovation


Small and Large Innovation

Years of Experience


Years of

Clients Worldwide



Appreciation from Clients

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, we understand the importance of confidentiality for your business project. We sign a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA) to ensure the privacy and security of your project details and intellectual property.

You own the source code. We believe that once you’ve paid for your enterprise web application, you should own the source code. As such, upon project completion and after all, dues are cleared, we transfer the ownership of the source code to you. This ensures you have full control over your application and its future development.

Yes, we believe in complete transparency and thorough documentation. As part of our development process, we provide comprehensive documentation for your enterprise web application. This includes technical specifications, design guidelines, user manuals, and code comments. This ensures you have a clear understanding of how your application works and aids in future maintenance and updates.

We understand the importance of regular communication and updates in a project’s success. After we’ve discussed your business requirements, we’ll assign a dedicated project manager to serve as your primary point of contact. To keep you updated on your project’s progress, we use professional versions of project management tools like Jira, Trello, and Basecamp. These tools allow us to set milestones, track progress, and facilitate clear communication throughout each phase of your project. Your project manager will provide regular updates to ensure you’re always informed about your project’s status.

How flexible are you with the budget and timeline if the project scope changes?

We understand that project requirements can evolve over time. If there are changes to the project scope that could impact the budget or timeline, we will discuss these changes with you upfront. We aim to be as flexible as possible while still delivering a high-quality product within a reasonable timeframe. Any changes to the budget or timeline will be mutually agreed upon before proceeding.

As a recognized leader in enterprise web application development, Space-O has an experienced team of developers skilled in creating solutions ranging from small-scale apps to comprehensive enterprise-level systems. To date, we’ve successfully developed over 100+ enterprise web app solutions, including notable projects like Glovo and One8. Our commitment to quality and client satisfaction has earned us a 96% job success rate and a “Top-rated Plus” badge on Upwork.