Our Valuable Clients

Key Challenges for eCommerce Success

Failing to Understand Customer's Preferences

Failing to Understand Customer’s Preferences

As an eCommerce business, you understand the importance of search result personalization. You know how it can directly impact customer satisfaction. However, providing these personalized eCommerce search results becomes difficult when you have millions of users. You need to collect and analyze a lot of data for real-time changes.

The Pain of Generic Search Results

The Pain of Generic Search Results

When your eCommerce business has a million customers, providing personalized and fast search experiences becomes a real problem. Why? You do not have an AI-based advanced system that understands users’ preferences and behavior from your system’s limited number of interactions.

Cost of Irrelevant Product Recommendations

Cost of Irrelevant Product Recommendations

To grow your eCommerce revenue and sales, you want your customers to find the exact product they are looking for. Best if you could deliver relevant product results faster. However, traditional product discovery algorithms sometimes recommend totally irrelevant products. This frustrates your customers, and you lose potential customers.

Lack of Recommendation Diversity

Lack of Recommendation Diversity

Traditional recommendation algorithms in eCommerce rely on purchase and browsing history. This method is not effective and lacks diversification during product recommendations. Your customers see the same and limited products during their search, even if you have more relevant and diverse options available.

Slow Recommendation Performance

Slow Recommendation Performance

eCommerce businesses that have outdated technologies and have not upgraded their infrastructure facilities, usually face this core challenge – slow recommendation performance. The primary cause of this issue is data processing or heavy traffic load on the website. This increases the customer abandon rate.

Inability to Scale Product Recommendation

Inability to Scale Product Recommendation

If your eCommerce platform is not designed to handle growth in products or to adapt to the changes in the system, it can face efficiency issues. For example, issues such as irrelevant or slower product recommendations. This can negatively impact your customers’ shopping experience and increase the customer-loss ratio.

Ready to Increase Your eCommerce Sales?

Make your eCommerce search platform smart with OpenAI technologies, and take your eCommerce sales to the next level.

Clients Love Space-O Technologies

Space-O Technologies delivered exceptional, scalable solutions at a cost-effective price. We are happy to have them as our development partner.

Dennis Baldwin


Director of Product Development

Dennis Baldwin

Boost and Improve Your Sales with Space-O Technologies

If you are working hard to grow your eCommerce sales, try new and advanced OpenAI technologies. Improve your eCommerce advanced search results.

At Space-O Technologies, we use OpenAI technologies to create customized ChaGPT-like eCommerce search bots to transform search results.

  • We create advanced and customized ChatGPT-like eCommerce search bots. This OpenAI-based eCommerce search bot helps you deliver an accurate, fast, and personalized search experience.
  • Along with the development, we also integrate this AI-powered bot into your existing eCommerce solution. Even if you are an eCommerce startup or enterprise, a personalized eCommerce search experience can help you grow your add-to-cart ratio.

Let’s get in touch if you want to know how we exactly do this and see a quick 30-mins demo. We will show you how we can make your eCommerce search results faster, better, and more personalized.

Let’s Discuss Your Project

AI-powered eCommerce Search Bot We Developed


eComChat is an OpenAI and ChatGPT-based eCommerce search bot developed by Space-O.

Key highlights of eComChat:

  • Used 20k eCommerce products data
  • Generated text-embedding-ada-002 vectors and stored with product metadata
  • Parsed user inputs with previous chat history (chat session)
  • Understanding the intent and query the vectors
  • Human-like personalized response generated
  • Used chat session history to understand the intent
  • Recommend the nearest vector data
Play btn

See it in action

Discover the True Potential of Your eCommerce Business with OpenAI

Better Search Conversions

Better Search Conversions

When you integrate an OpenAI-powered eCommerce product search bot, you make search results more accurate and relevant. This means customers can easily find and discover products they are interested in, without spending more time on the website. This ultimately helps you with the increased average order value.

Personalized Search Recommendations

Personalized Search Recommendations

OpenAI-driven product recommendation for eCommerce analyzes user preferences and behavior. Then it provides super personalized product recommendations. This makes customers feel that your eCommerce platform is designed for their personal preferences, and improves your search-influenced-order value.

Foster Customer Loyalty

Foster Customer Loyalty

Once you deliver a personalized shopping experience, you help customers find what they are looking for. You help your customers NOT to waste unnecessary time scrolling through products they don’t actually need. This helps you increase add-to-carts and order value.

Transform Your eCommerce Search Experience

Want to increase search-influenced orders, and reduce zero-results queries on your eCommerce platform?

Businesses That Need Personalized eCommerce Search Solution

Online Retailers

Online Retailers

Wholesale Distributors

Wholesale Distributors

Automotive Parts and Supplies

Automotive Parts and Supplies

Medical and Scientific Equipment

Medical and Scientific Equipment

Clothing and Apparel Retailers

Clothing and Apparel Retailers

Food and Beverage Wholesalers

Food and Beverage Wholesalers

Sports Equipment Suppliers

Sports Equipment Suppliers

Technology and Electronics Wholesalers

Technology and Electronics Wholesalers

Looking to Increase Your Sales on These eCommerce Platforms?









Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Salesforce Commerce Cloud

Squarespace eCommerce

Squarespace eCommerce

Weebly eCommerce

Weebly eCommerce

Lightspeed eCom

Lightspeed eCom

Make Your eCommerce Search Results Smart

Make your eCommerce site search tool intelligent enough to understand the intent behind your customers’ queries. No more zero-results queries.

Discover Our Agile Process to Boost eCommerce Sales


Understanding Requirements

  • Knowing Your eCommerce business
  • Gather data on user behavior
  • Define roadmap to improve results


OpenAI Model Section

  • Consider the business objective
  • Analyze the data available
  • Evaluate the complexity of the model


Building Search Bot

  • Consider the business objective
  • Analyze the data available
  • Evaluate the complexity of the model


Enhancement of Results

  • Integrate eCommerce search bot
  • Improve data quality
  • Enhance search results


Testing and Deployment

  • Testing of search features
  • Compare the performance
  • Optimize for better scalability


On-going Improvement

  • Provide timely support
  • Monitor updates, and bug fixes
  • Optimize overall performance

Why Choose Space-O Technologies?

Project Success Ratio


Project Success

Search Solutions Created


Search Solutions Created

OpenAI-based Project Built


OpenAI-based Project Built

Dedicated Developers



Years of Experience


Years of

Clients Worldwide



Appreciation from Clients

Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of improving your eCommerce search results, making them accurate, and faster depends on multiple factors. Factors such as the size and complexity of the eCommerce platform required customization, and the amount of data that needs to be processed. So we can help you with the exact cost once we have a clear understanding of these factors. During our free consultation call, we will help you understand these details. We will give you detailed cost bifurcation as well. This will make the decision process easier for you.

The timeline for improving your eCommerce search results using OpenAI technologies can vary on the basis of the scope of the project.

In general, for a small eCommerce business, this entire development and integration process takes around 4 to 8 weeks.

For a mid-sized eCommerce business, improving eCommerce search results may take around 8 to 12 weeks.

For a large eCommerce business with complex requirements and a high product catalog, this timeline may take around 12 to 16 weeks or more.

We have expertise in custom ecommerce website development using advanced OpenAI technologies like transformers for text embedding. Plus, the generation of text embedding improves eCommerce search results. These technologies help us ensure the accuracy and relevance of product discovery journeys and recommendations.

Whether we are developing a ecommerce app or building an online ecommerce platform we handle data privacy and security by following these best practices.

  • Implement secure data storage with industry-standard encryption methods
  • Comply with privacy laws like GDPR to protect your eCommerce business data

Certainly, we provide ongoing support to make sure that your eCommerce search experience remains faster and provides accurate results. We have a dedicated team of developers and experts who can help you identify areas of improvement. Whether you want to create an app like Amazon or improve an existing ecommerce app by adding a new feature, optimize your search experience, or improve the overall customer journey, we are here to help.